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Okay, I've Booked a Reading..But How Do I Get the Most Out of It?!

Wewt! You've researched readings and readers, found the time and money to allocate for a reading, and are now ready to sit down and get started! But without effectively structuring your questions and expectations, you might not be getting as much out of it as you were hoping.

FYI: This blog will be written from my perspective, so if you have a differing opinion, by all means! There’s more than one way to interpret the cards, and no two readers will be created equal (perhaps similar, but not the same).

While I believe in my psychic and intuitive abilities, it is important to note that I cannot make any guarantees on outcomes/predictions. When I read for you, I am looking at a snapshot of your life as it is AT THE TIME OF THE READING, and intuiting off that. I read the threads of energy as they are culminating/dissolving/twisting/becoming, and though it is a very effective technique, if you go off and do something uncharacteristic or intentionally off course, then the work we just did TOGETHER (because you are in this too, after all it’s YOUR life we are looking at) is null and void. Besides, I find flat out predicting the future to be boring and less helpful then spotlighting aspects of your journey that need attention/tending to. In order for things in your life to CHANGE, you must do something DIFFERENTLY than you have been (in some cases that may actually mean NOT doing/responding to), but nevertheless, as the saying goes: insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. YOU MUST DO WORK IF YOU WANT TO SEE CHANGE.

I’m trying to offer a long term fix, not a short term band-aid. Do you want to know if you will get the job, or are you interested in knowing if this is even the right job/path for you? Do you want to know if He/She will come back to you or are you more interested in whether or not they were even the most complementary partner for where you would like to be in life? Look, I know it’s easy to get swept away by the current of the unknown/seemingly unmanageable events of your life. Where is it taking me? What will happen to the other aspects of my life? What if I make the wrong choices? Who else am I affecting outside of myself? But this is why I want to help you build a BRIDGE to traverse over these troubled waters of your life so that you can get back on track as soon as possible, rather than concocting feeble rafts from the branches and sticks that float by. When you are drowning, you cannot focus on anything but breathing again. Let’s get through this, make a game plan on how you can take control and ensure you don’t end up lost in the same current again, fighting to stay afloat.

We’ve covered how I read, now how should you ask your questions? Let me be clear, you can ask me WHATEVER you’d like, it’s MY job to ascertain what you’re actually trying to figure out and (possibly) rephrase your question to get the most useful/beneficial guidance out of it for you to put to work. So if you ask me a question, and I then ask YOU a question, this is all in efforts to zero in on what can help you the most (rest assured I won't be asking you many clarifying questions). This is important: Because there are certain types of questions I will not answer, rephrasing will be NECESSARY should the following types of issues/questions arise:

Death: “When will I/they die?”

Medical treatment/Diagnoses: “Do I have (insert disease/condition)?”, “What treatment should I get for (insert disease/condition)?”

Financial Matters: “Should I invest in this stock (or other similar risky financial situation)?”

Legal Matters: “How will my court case/legal proceeding go?”

I am not a doctor/financial advisor/lawyer. While I cannot diagnose or recommend treatments, what I CAN DO is pull out how you/your loved ones might be best helped in the event of a death, how you might respond to various treatments/the weight of a diagnosis, or inform you of non-medical self-care ways that might benefit/work in tandem with your treatments/chosen course of actions. While I cannot advise you on taking financial risks or legal counsel, I can answer such things as “Should I decide to invest in XYZ, will I be satisfied with the outcome/what will I need to be aware of?”, “What is the best thing to focus on regarding the outcome of the legal proceedings should I win/not win?”

I hope this distinction makes sense, but just in case: I AM NOT A DOCTOR, I CANNOT PRESCRIBE TREATMENT/DIAGNOSE. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR, I CANNOT ADVISE YOU ON THINGS OF A FINANCIAL NATURE, RISKY OR OTHERWISE. I AM NOT A LAWYER, I CANNOT GIVE YOU LEGAL COUNSEL. If anything I say/see conflicts with what your licensed professionals have discussed with you, defer to THEIR EXPERTISE.

Another aspect of getting the most of a reading with me is being receptive and ready to receive the messages/information that come through. I won’t require that you take notes, but I highly suggest that you do (don’t worry, I won’t be giving you a pop quiz, but your LIFE might!) You are paying with both money and time for this guidance, so being able to measure your starting point and future progress can only be beneficial for you in the long run. You don’t have to like or fully understand what comes through, but being able to jot it down to think on later ensures you are not blind to the negative ways surrounding you or blocking the positive change that is trying to manifest within your life.

Of course there’s going to be so much more to consider, but these are the things that I find matter the most INITIALLY. Feel free to ask me any questions about my process to be sure you feel good going into your reading!

What are some things you feel are important to consider initially (whether as the reader or the client)?

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